Linda Barlow UKCP Registered

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Counselling and therapy in Oxfordshire

"And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time" T.S. Eliot

"What I have left behind, seemingly lost, I meet in everything that comes my way and I collect it, reassembling it as it were" C.G Jung

Linda Barlow – Counsellor and Psychotherapist

My practice is based in the Vale of White Horse, which is within easy reach of Oxford, Abingdon, Wantage, Didcot and West and South Oxfordshire.

I an a qualified Counsellor and Psychotherapist with over 30 years' experience working with individuals. My role is to work empathetically with you to address a wide range of personal issues, and to provide support through difficult life experiences. My aim is to provide a safe and confidential space, with respect for you and your personal values, and to help you to make sense of thoughts and feelings that may be causing you difficulty.

My therapeutic training covers a wide range: from the transpersonal perspective to the focused short-term approach of Cognitive Analytic Therapy. I therefore see some clients for a very few sessions which would aim to put a problem into perspective and identify resources for further help –and others for longer-term psychotherapy which would go more deeply into patterns and self exploration. It is a good idea to come for one session as an assessment, which will make clear what is needed, and what you would like to pursue. (See the section on FAQ for further details).

I have 43 years' experience of work with stress management for individuals and organisations, and have worked for the last 30 years as a counsellor/ psychotherapist with referrals from GPs, Occupational Health, employee assistance providers as well as private referrals. I worked in two GP surgeries for 27 years.

I am a registered Psychotherapist with the UKCP.

I have practised Transcendental Meditation for the last 50 years, and found it immensely enjoyable and helpful.

I am committed to my continuing professional development, and my practice is fully supervised.

I also work as a counselling supervisor.

Counselling can help to address the following problems amongst others:

    Anxiety and stress
    Life changes, challenges, finding direction
    Self concept, identity, confidence
    Relationship problems
    Childhood and family issues
    A feeling of lack of fulfilment

If you are in crisis please look at these details provided by Oxfordshire Mind:

 [email protected]Ph 01865 880578 

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